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Save £3 on tickets to The Photography Show

Get discounted tickets and meet the Photography News team!

With over 200 imaging brands on show – including Photography News – at this year’s Photography Show (TPS), this is 2018’s go-to event for everyone interested in photography. Exhibitors include Canon, Fujifilm, Nikon Sony, Sigma and Tamron, just to name drop a few, and all aspects of imaging are covered. There’ll be plenty of chances to snap up a bargain too.

The Photography News stand will be in the food gallery area so please come along to pick up a free latest issue, say hello or register for our Photo 24 event, which takes place on 29 and 30 June. TPS is also a great opportunity for learning and inspiration, with over 140 free talks covering different genres and techniques over the show’s four days. 

On the Super Stage you will have the chance to hear from Art Wolfe, Bruce Davidson and Ami Vitale among many others. Super Stage tickets cost £10 per session. 

New for this year is The Great Outdoors stage, hosting demos and talks on techniques and ideas to make the most of your photography.

Standard adult entry ticket price is £13.95 but you can save £3 by using the code PNEWSTPS18 when making the booking through The Photography Show website.

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Fujifilm X Webcam out now

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